Monday, October 31, 2016

"It's a big world, that was a small town..."

Happy Halloween!

        First, if you have not read the other email - "Over the mountain and through the woods..." - please do so.

        On Saturday, after we had concluded bowling at the Wyoming Retirement Center, Howard came up to us. Howard is a resident there, and he talks fast. He likes to joke around with us. The week before, he refused to actually bowl because we didn't show up at exactly "1400 hours." So, Howard approaches us and tells us that he had taken a picture of me on his little flip phone and wanted to send it to us. We told him our number, which he quickly repeated back to us. We laughed, waved goodbye, and went to the other side of the center to do bowling in the south wing. While bowling there, I feel the phone vibrating with a call in my pocket, but I don't answer it because we're bowling. Minutes later, it buzzes again, and I notice that it is the same unknown number. Figuring that it must be important, I step aside and just barely miss the call. The caller had left a voice message, though, and so I listen to it... Yeah, it was Howard. He also texted us a few times:

        "THANK. JACK. 1400 hr on. 10 29. 30. CLIP"

        (Jack is Elder Andrews's first name. Howard insists on calling us by our first names. "CLIP" stands for Chronically Late Insane Person, which Howard began to call me after last week.)

        "KEEP. UP. THE FAITH. PLEASE. GOD. H. 116."

        "GIVE. JACK AND STEVE MY BEST. A. JOB WELL DONE! 10.29.16 14 hr"

        Oh, Howard. We love you and think you're awesome.

        Sunday was the dedication of the Star Valley temple, which we were privileged to view from the Worland stake center. Bertie, our recent convert and friend, was able to attend! She's excited to do family history work and go to the temple to perform ordinances that her ancestors are then free to accept or decline in the next life. I'm so grateful for her and her desire to serve Christ and to follow His ways. The gospel truly blesses individuals and families.

        Sunday morning was also the morning of the big call. We looked at our phone at 8:21 am and realized that we had missed a call from President Wadsworth at 8:03 am. Crap. I called back and got his voicemail, and left a hasty message that more or less consisted of, "Hey President! Sorry we missed your call; we won't miss your next one." Presently, he called back, wanted to speak with me, and let me know that I would be finishing the final six weeks of training of another missionary, and that I would be transferred into Buffalo, Wyoming. Transfers will happen on Wednesday. I hope I'm up to this. I'm positive that part of this assignment is to put me into better shape, too, so here's to me being better than ever with Christ's help!

        Thank you all so very much for your love and support and prayers. They are definitely felt. Keep being awesome, follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, read your scriptures daily, and look for God's hand in your life.

        With that, I close mine epistle. God speed.

-Elder Burch π

        "... There in my rear view mirror disappearing now."

Elder Berrett and I went on exchanges on Tuesday!
Good to be back with that dude for a day.

The deer face off.

Dot's baptism from a little back.

Dot's new family!

District Picture!

Elder Andrews and I decided to have a sleep over in our living
room. I can't remember the last time I built a fort...

Homemade tortillas by Elder Andrews


The Shelley family. I'm gonna miss them.

Halloween Costumes - Creativity at its finest!

We're handing out candy with our friends at 
Bonnie Blue Jacket. This is Royce. I tied his tie for him.

Over the mountain and through the woods...

Good morning, all!

Sunday morning, President Wadsworth called and let me know that I will
be transferred into the Wyoming East Zone, to Buffalo, Wyoming. I
believe my new address will be:

Elder Stephen Tanner Burch π
500 W Fetterman Apt. #1
Buffalo, Wyoming 82834

Please address all future mail to that address. If you've sent
anything to my current address, do not fear. Based on how long things
usually take, it should get here before I leave on Wednesday. If your
mail arrives after I've left, Elder Andrews has been instructed to
forward it to me.

Thank you all for your continued love and support! A real email is to come.

-Elder Burch π 

Monday, October 24, 2016

"I wish the world was flat like the old days..."

Many well wishes and greetings,

     This week, we have been driving everywhere. Elder Andrews is the district leader, and part of his responsibilities include conducting baptismal interviews for all new converts in the mission district, as well as attending the baptisms that follow. Our district has been having great success recently, which is great! However, it also means lots of driving. So, in this last week, we have been to Worland twice, Burlington once, Lovell twice, and Cowley once. There have been four baptisms, one of which was quite unique.

     Dot is 81 years old, and resides at the senior care center in Lovell, Wyoming. She recently suffered a stroke, and is paralyzed on her left side. She had a desire to be baptized, and was taught the lessons from the Lovell sisters. When the baptism was performed, it was in the Lovell public pool. Elder Andrews, myself, and two other brethren got in the water, and held her as she was lowered into the water by means of a small crane-like apparatus. The prayer was said, we lowered her below the water, and lifted her back up. It was super unique, and I don't think I'll ever be party to such a thing again. It was super cool. Good for Dot!

     We had one of the people at the nursing home yell a profanity at another bowler for teasing him a little. That was funny. 

     We shared a spiritual message with a family the other night. There are four kids, but three of them are from the wife's previous marriage, and the father will not allow the children to be baptized. We shared with them the story of Amalickiah, and his deceitful rise to power. Read Alma 46 and 47 to know more about that. In short, we challenged them to make the decision today to follow the Lord and the standards, such as the Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, Sabbath day, so that when the challenges and temptations arise, they have already made they choice. That they'll be "fixed in their minds with a determined resolution," and stand for what they know is right. (Alma 47:6) The standards of the church are there as a way to help us live joyful, meaningful lives, not as barriers or arbitrary rules. Decide today to live joyfully, obediently, and meaningfully!

     Thank you for the continued support and love of you all. May God bless and keep you. Until next time!

-Elder Burch π

"... And I could travel just by folding the map."

Fancy ramen, fried Oreos, and Fresca. The meal of kings.

Brother Shumway

Sister Cheatham, Vector, and her new dog, Radian.

"Now I know why the leaves change in the fall..."


I'm being threatened by a 13-year-old with a half-carved pumpkin and a knife.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Of dinosaurs and other matters.

Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite

A dinosaur track!

Look at how cute we are.

This picture shows the difference between our personalities well.

Accidental album cover?

Only in Wyoming.

"I wonder which song they're gonna play when we go..."

Monday, October 17, 2016

Good day to everyone, 

     This week, a lot happened. I'll see what I can do about breaking it down for you.

     Alright, first, Bertie was baptized on Saturday! What a lovely experience it was. Elder Andrews was telling me how often times, things go poorly the day of or the day before the baptism, the adversary trying to mess with the plans because he doesn't want more people to come to Christ, you know? I actually saw that with the person that we interviewed for baptism a while back, and all the crazy that went on there. Anyway, it seemed like Satan was weak that day. Having someone forget a dry change of underwear? Really? Is that the best you can do, man? Weak. Weak! She was baptized the following day, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I'm super excited that we had the privilege of teaching Bertie, and we look forward to continuing to visit her for the new member lessons! We should have pictures of us with her before too long, so I'll send those out when I can. 

     The baptism was a big- huge- part of the week, but a few other things have been on my mind. On Friday, we attended the funeral of the dad of an inactive member that we visit Fridays. I'd never actually met his dad, but he's an awesome guy, and we wanted to be there to support him. Many of his children, siblings, and friends got up to share thoughts and memories, and it was all quite enjoyable to listen to. There was a distinct difference, though between those of faith and those not. Some of the people shared memories and expressed thoughts on his life, and the life to come was often alluded to. One of his daughters even talked about the entirety of the Plan of Salvation in a way that made me take notes. It was simple, direct, and powerful, and she expressed that she was sure that because of Jesus Christ and temples, that we'll be able to see our families in the eternities. And so, while still a mournful event, it seemed that the promise of "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted" was true. (Matthew 5:6) Others were much more sorrowful, and lots of tears were shed. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm grateful for the plan of our Savior and Redeemer that saves us from death and from hell. He truly is the miracle that makes the dead come alive, and helps us to overcome sin and live more awesome lives. 

     Along those lines, we received a call right before the baptism from another less active member, who was in tears and told us that she had just lost a grandson. We visited her after the baptism, and talked to her about what had happened, and how things were progressing from there. We talked about the kid, only 18, and what he was like. It was solemn, but there was an air of peace. We had the opportunity to share with her verses from the Book of Mormon. In Alma, chapter 40, he discusses the life after death. He says:

     "Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life. And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow." (Alma 40:11-12)

He goes on to speak of the resurrection: 

     "The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame. ... And then shall the righteous shine forth in the kingdom of God." (Alma 40: 23, 25)

     Needless to say, this has caused me to reflect on my own life and find things that I want to do better so that I will have made the best of this mortal state I've been blessed to have. I'm grateful for the knowledge of our God and His plan for us that gives us strength over sin and the grave. I hope that I, and all of us, can live every day to the fullest and look for ways to improve. Always remember "men are that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25)

     Keep rocking and rolling. 

-Elder Burch π

     "... I hope it's something quiet and minor and peaceful and slow."

Bertie and Us. Better pictures to come.

It's odd looking at the forecast and saying, "Elder Andrews, it is going to be hot.
High of 75 and low of 48."  What 
has become of me?

Photo bombed by a pumpkin!


"I don't make deals with peasants!"

One of the old folks at the Wyoming Retirement Center
(Eva, I believe) was reading this! Haha!

Monday, October 10, 2016

"It all began on a Monday morning..."

Dearest everyone,

     Today, I will briefly describe a weekly service activity that we Elders do here in Greybull/Basin. Every Friday, we have the opportunity to go to Bonnie Blue Jacket, a retirement center between Greybull and Basin, and participate in a bowling activity with the residents. There is a long, blue carpet on which the pins are set, and a metal rail that holds a rubber bowling ball that the residents push down the ramp and aim to get a strike. Some like to position the rail themselves, some just push it, and some need help lifting their hands to the ball. The game usually lasts four or five rounds, with about ten residents showing up each week. One of the residents is Ted, a man who loves to laugh and loves his cigarettes. (Or, he used to at least. He told us last time that he had quit. I'm not sure if he's actually trying to quit or just out of money for the month.) Some others include Lorna, the ornery blind woman who refers to me as 'Mesa;' Lorna's husband Johnny, who needs to lift up his feet when we wheel him to the rail; and Patty, who blames her not getting a strike on us. It is such a fun time, and feels good to be bringing joy into the lives of some of these people. 

     We do a similar activity at the Wyoming Retirement Center on Saturdays, where Cathy always tells us, "I told them that you were going to come! I even drew you a picture!" after which she'll hand us a coloring page she did for us. "I even have my medal!" she'll say, proudly displaying her medallion won at the BBJ/WRC bowling tournament last month. Eva and her husband Lewis will come out for bowling, and so will Howard, who refers to us only by our first names. Margie comes out, as well, and she questions Elder Andrews about his native heritage. Going and doing this service brings such a joy to the week, and feels good to be serving children of God in their last years of life. We also have the opportunity to do a sacrament meeting for the residents of the Wyoming Retirement Center, where Cathy will tell us every time, "I even wore a dress! See, I told you I'd wear a dress!" followed usually by, "I even drew you a picture." Cathy doesn't leave without a hug. 

     Find something in your community that could use a hand, and then go help out. I don't care what it is, but anything you do that is giving of yourself will make you feel awesome, and will make someone else feel good, too. "When ye are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your God." Keep being awesome. Do cool things. Rock and roll.

-Elder Burch π

"She loves the natural light, captured in black and white..."

Howard and I. He was on a bit more medication than usual.

Me, Margie, Cathy, Howard, and Elder Andrews

The Approaching Curve of Winter

Elder Andrews eating cereal with chopsticks

At the Basin JH football game

Companionship goals

The loving family with Elder Andrews

Us and the Frame family

Sister George's cat thinks it is a parrot. We did not put the cat there, it just jumped up.

Monday, October 3, 2016

"We raise it up, this offering..."

We meet again,

     This week has been long, but not too bad. We've joined the seminary class Friday mornings. Working with the youth is a great experience because you're able to pick up on their growing testimonies that are nonetheless just as powerful as anyone else, perhaps more. We've been getting more comfortable with our living space, and we've been enjoying the missionary-minded members that we have the opportunity to work with.

     Of course, General Conference was this weekend. It was awesome, particularly the priesthood session. LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. was one of my favorite of the night. He spoke of the absolute truth and power of the Book of Mormon, and how we can gain strength for our challenges in life, grow closer as families, and receive so much more light and knowledge through reading it. Much as Elder Palmer expressed, this conference was a focus on the basics of the gospel, and it is awesome to remember that it isn't a complicated thing to grow closer to Heavenly Father and to follow Christ. Just focus on the basics, and read the Book of Mormon. 

     A short message for today, but there will be pictures to make up for it. Thank you all for your messages, letters, prayers, and thoughts! Keep doing your best. 

     Rock and roll.

Elder Burch π

There was a huge pig in the road on the way to Lovell. Just, a pig.

Elder Andrews - Either this is Jurassic Park or a zombie apocalypse.
Hello there, Dr. Andrews

Potato soup, Part II.

Seminary teaches us torturous murder by way of a balloon contraption.

All dogs go to heaven.

The Zone

The Zone again, of course!