Monday, November 27, 2017

“Standing in line for Thanksgiving dinner...”

Sometimes I wish I had the writing ability of Elder Campbell. Most of the time, though, I just wish I had a chocolate muffin. I guess you don’t always get what you want. *shrug*

We visited a jail this week! I’ve never talked to an investigator (or anyone, frankly) via telephone through bulletproof glass before, but now I can check it off my list. Note to the wise, kids: Don’t go for rides in stolen cars, even if you didn’t steal it, and especially if you already have a criminal record. On the upside, we were informed that the jail actually had a pretty decent spread for Thanksgiving. Better than the usual fare, I suppose.

We have an investigator who is progressing well! She has been smoke free for ten days now (I think), and she has a baptismal date for next month! We are quite excited for her. We’re a little worried, though, because she wasn’t at church on Sunday and hasn’t answered our calls. We’ll see her soon and figure it out.

I have this really bad thing where I feel embarrassment for other people. Even (especially) if they don’t feel embarrassed for themselves. It makes being around certain people very difficult. 

We went out to Wolf Creek this week, which is almost at the bottom of our area (nearly to Helena), to visit a recent convert that I hadn’t met before, but she is awesome. She studies a lot and with real intent. She’s read the entire Book of Mormon, the Gospel Principles book, and more. She has three kids and a step kid. Her husband is not a member, but with some love and fellowship, I think we could help him out. 

Thanksgiving was a good time. We spent some time with two different families. Good families, one here in town and the other out in Cascade branch. I learned that pool is harder when the table wobbles. I also learned that Dutch apple pie is actually different than normal apple pie. I always thought that it was just apple pie and better apple pie, but nope. They’re actually different kinds.

A family that we visited to teach was cutting up and piecing out their elk as we taught them. That was cool. It was an education experience for me. I like asking questions about things I don’t know much about, even (especially?) if it is something that isn’t usually a me kind of activity. 

We went to church in the Cascade branch this Sunday, and I love the Cascade branch. There are so many awesome people there! 

Elder Vargas is my district leader now and I am so excited because I love Elder Vargas. What a guy.

I think that is all for now. Thank you for reading, for all you do, and all that. Keep on keeping on. 

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Stephen Burch π

“... Styrofoam plates, cafeteria tables ...”

My study area. I need to take more pictures. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

“Coming out of my cage and I’ve been doing just fine...”

Welcome to Great Falls!

The land where the wind blows cold and doesn’t stop. We live in a cozy apartment right down the street from the church. We cover the Two Rivers Ward here in town, and we cover the Cascade Branch, which extends almost to Helena. A picture will be included. 

Elder Lester is a fantastic companion. He is all about getting out there and getting the work done, doing his best to achieve goals. It’s been good. We’ve talked to quite a few people and invited them to come to Christ. We’ve met quite a few of the investigators and less active members that they have been working with in this area, and there are a lot of awesome people here! (Cool people named Chuck seem to be constant across all my areas. Weird.) Overall, I like it here! When we were going to visit an investigator, a guy called over to us and asked what we were doing. “Just visiting our friend across the street.” “Oh, okay.” And then he started trying to bash. I mean, c’mon! “Do you still think you have to work to get to heaven? Why don’t you have a cross on your church? The Bible says not to add! I’m just afraid you don’t believe in the right Jesus.” Seriously? “Sir, we believe in the Jesus spoken of in the Bible who died for our sins and was raised on the third day.” I am pretty okay with holding my tongue, but when people tell me I believe in a “different Jesus,” it bothers me. Ah, well. All’s well that ends well. 

Thank you for reading! Y’all are cool. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Stephen Burch π

“... gotta be down because I want it all.”

Elder Lester and I!

My area

The real Missoula OGs. Sister Miller is the only missionary
that was in Missoula when I got there and when I left.
We both served Missoula for 6 transfers, or almost 9 months.
Good times. 

Missoula’s Ward Mission Leader and his wife.
They were an awesome part of the Zoo, and will be missed.

Monday, November 13, 2017

“I am a visitor here, I am not permanent...”


Alas, my time in Missoula is about to come to an end. Wednesday morning, I will drive the Man Van for the last time to Helena, where I will meet up with Elder Lester, and head up to Great Falls to spend the next part of my missionary service. Cool thing, Elder Lester was my best friend in 4th Grade. Check that out! My new address will be: 1109 9th St. NW #7 Great Falls MT 59404

Saturday, we had the awesome opportunity to attend the baptism of Gary, the guy we interviewed last week. It was awesome. There was definitely a strong feeling in the air - easy to tell that the Spirit was there in abundance. I mentioned in the last email (I think?) how it was obvious that the Lord had been preparing Gary to receive the message of the restoration of the gospel, and the baptism felt so natural - like any other step, he was taking his next step in progression on the path of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He started the journey home to our Father. And, it will be a journey full of joy, because God wants us to be happy here as well as in the life to come. It was a powerful experience. “There must’ve been something in the water...”

We talked about Christlike attributes in MLC, and the takeaway I received was about how we can identify Christlike attributes in others, and when look for those positive things, it naturally increases Christlike attributes in us as we increase in love through focusing on the positive of others. Seeking out the good in others is an important thing to do. So, this week, take an extra effort to identify positive things about others, and point them out! It’ll be a good change, I promise. (See the picture I made down below for a list of Preach My Gospel’s identified Christlike attributes. There are more, but this is a good start.)

Love you all! It’s getting colder here. Christmas will be here before we know it!

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

“... The district sleeps alone tonight.”

Frozen Yogurt with some awesome Elders

At Gary's baptism with Elders Zitto, Ritchie, and Wheeler 

With Elder Ritchie

Saw the Kambale family again!

Look what we did. Feel proud.
I actually ate two. It’s better the second time. 

We watched the Testaments one night on the little portable
DVD player we have.It was a good time.
(No, Elder Wheeler is not flipping you off.)

Monday, November 6, 2017

"I don't mind the weather..."

All creatures of our God and King,

This week was marvelous! It was actually really, really good.

I did an exchange in Polson, about an hour and fifteen minutes north
of Missoula. We had some good visits, helped a random woman rake her
lawn, and spent Halloween night with some recent converts handing out
candy. I didn't realize it until right before we got there, but I knew
the recent convert, because I had interviewed him for baptism a couple
months ago! It was cool.

We put two investigators on date for the 18th! Transfers are on the
14th, so we'll hope that I'm still around... I love Missoula.

Bible bashes are awful, even (especially?) when you feel like they're
going well. They are just always awful. That is all.

Overall, things are going well. I am really seeing myself improve more
and more each day. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Stephen Burch π

First real snow of the winter

We all got CPR certified at the Missoula Preparedness Fair!

The district

Painted power box

Winter Wonderland

Absconding with I'm A Mormon cards