Monday, July 31, 2017

"With every sun that sets I am feeling more..."

Hello all,

We are bowling. I am emailing between turns. It is scatterbrained.

This week:

We did an extraordinary amount of service this week. We have helped three non-members move. The most noteworthy of which is this Hispanic couple we met the other day. I think I mentioned them. Anyhow, they asked for our help again, and it was cool! We got to know them quite a bit more. She is from Columbia, and he is from Brazil. They both ended up here through a program that put them in civil engineering programs here. They were very appreciative of the service, and are having us over Friday night for dinner, which happens to also be the wife's birthday. Cool. Service feels good. Though, more on feeling good later.

We did an exchange with the YSA Elders. I stayed in my area and brought along Elder Murphy, who has been out three weeks. It's a weird thing to think back to myself when I had been out three weeks. I've grown a lot, but there are also one or two things from back then that I almost want back. Introspection.

Our second exchange was with the Zone leaders on Friday. I was with Elder Tucker. I would be okay with having Elder Tucker as a companion. More than most Elders, he not only inspires me to work effectively and efficiently, but reminds me that the work can and will succeed, if we have faith and follow the guidance in Preach My Gospel.

The Zone Leaders called us Saturday night with some revelation. They reminded Elder Ash and I that daily goals are important, and that as we set daily goals by the Spirit, the Lord will provide a way to accomplish them. Well, Sunday came around, and Sunday was the only day we could do an amount of honest finding, primarily because of how much of our time was devoted to service. Long story short, there were miracles, and we will hopefully have a much expanded teaching pool very soon. The Lord is mindful. It's comforting and exhilarating. 

Love you all! Keep on keeping on ~

- Elder Burch π

"... Like a stranger on a foreign shore...."

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Random Pics!

Sometimes kind members text pictures to my parents. It makes their day!

Play me a song, you're the piano man!

Kind members took us out for wings.
"Elder Ash ate the most wings so he received a
dollar BUT Elder Burch ate the hottest."

Monday, July 24, 2017

"... Come join the sinners who have been redeemed."

Fine guests,

This is the first song I have referenced that I learned about on my mission. Great. I mean, good song, but the fact that mission songs are taking precedent over home music is scary to me. 


We found a new investigator this week! Funny, though, is that he is not in our area. Further, even if he was in our area, he wouldn't be in our teaching pool because he is YSA age and single! So, we'll hand him off to the YSA Elders and see how things go.

We have gone to bible study with these guys who go to the local non-denominational mega church. It's been a mostly-uplifting experience, despite some differences. The fellowship is good, and it has been a good reminder that there are people out there who are dedicated to Christ who aren't a part of the restored gospel. "For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations ... who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it."

We worked hard, especially toward the end of the week. In the moment, finding is a really uncomfortable experience for me. I can talk to anyone, but bringing the gospel into the conversation is more difficult. Anyway, finding is difficult for me, but after we do try and find, I always feel good afterward. It makes me think of Christ, and His atonement. He would much rather have not done it - that is, in the moment, He was most certainly not enjoying it. Nevertheless, He knew His mission, and He loved us, so He didn't give up. I'm so grateful that he didn't give up. I hope that I can help other people, even when things are difficult, because it is the right thing to do. 

I love you all. Keep being awesome. Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

"Take your place beside the Savior. Sit down and be set free."

Monday, July 17, 2017

"We're halfway there, livin' on a prayer..."

My people,

As the title would hint toward, I hit my year mark on Thursday. It feels like it shouldn't be so. Also, an odd mix of, "Too soon?" and "Not soon enough!" So, here we go. I am glad that I've been able to serve as long as I have, and look forward to another year of dedicated service to the Lord. Here's making it great!

We gave service at the old folks' home across the street on Saturday. It was really cool, because it was an event where many bikers came, and the residents got to go for rides if they wanted! There was food served, lots of family came, and it was overall a good time. Elder Ash and I manned the snowcone machine and got to take the snowcones around on a tray like waiters and offer them to the people. It was a fun time!

There was a pretty gnarly thunderstorm and it started many mini fires. Our brand new ward mission leader is a smoke jumper / dispatcher, so we pretty much lost him. Oops...

Our Thursday was going to be so planned out and we were going to get weekly planning done and it was going to be great. Suddenly, though, the gaping jaws of the unexpected opened and swallowed three hours of our morning with a call for a blessing at the hospital across town and someone asking for assistance getting to Stevensville. It was a crazy morning. 

It's another one of those weeks where my patience for writing an email is short. Ah, well. 

My spiritual thought was shared to us by a member we've been working with named Jason. It is my feelings for anyone who is not yet a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So many blessings await! Alma puts it best:
" I speak by way of command unto you that belong to the church; and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life. "

Y'all are the best. Keep up the prayers for me.

Oh, yeah. Wade came to church again and we are going to try and put him on date this week.

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

"... take my hand and we'll make it, I swear."

Also, welcome to the email list to all those who were just added! I promise that my emails are typically better!

Monday, July 10, 2017

"Making my way downtown, walking fast..."

Friends and allies,

Transfer news: I'll be staying in the Zoo another six weeks!

This week was a good week! Lemme break it down nice and simple for ya.

The Fourth of July! The day we get to celebrate the foundation of the great nation in which we live! Yeah, we are not perfect, and yeah, there is a lot of crap happening across the nation as I type and as you read, but how cool is it that we get to live in a country like we do? We are very privileged and blessed for what we have. Thanks, Founding Fathers. Also, thank you Heavenly Father. Without Him, this whole thing wouldn't be possible. So, on the Fourth, we helped serve food at the pancake breakfast that the church puts on at Fort Missoula. All proceeds went to the Museum at Fort Missoula. That was cool; I met some people biking through the USA who were from south Britain. We discussed best English rock band of all time. Many were mentioned, but ultimately Led Zeppelin was the decided champion. In the evening, Elder Ash and I joined up with Elder Hendricks and Elder Vargas and watched some fireworks parked in their truck on Tower St. It was magical. 

Apparently, there was an earthquake. A pretty big one, comparatively, clocking in at 5.8. We both slept though it in our second story apartment. No biggie.

Wade is still progressing pretty well! We have had four lessons with him, and he has come to church twice! We love him. Continue to send thoughts and prayers our way and his way. WE read from the Book of Mormon with him with a member, and the Spirit was very strong. The Spirit is always strong when reading the scriptures. Elder Ash is good at listening to the Spirit, too. He's a boss. 

Elder Ash and I have decided to be more focused on finding new investigators, no matter what, this transfer. Advice would be appreciated. 

We both spoke in sacrament! It was a good time. Funny story there, but I won't embarrass Elder Ash.

I might send a transcript of my talk. I'll let that be my spiritual thought. 

Thank you for all that y'all do! Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

"... Faces pass, and I'm home bound."

The Talk:

Intro - My Heritage
Brothers and Sisters, I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you today, and do now seek for the Holy Ghost to help us be unified as we ponder principles of the gospel relating to our heritage and who we are to become. 

Heritage is a powerful part of who we are, both individually and as a people. Each of us have been blessed by the faithfulness of the great men and women that have gone on before. Some of these men and women were great in the fields of science or business, some were charismatic American leaders, and some were the pioneers that helped to shape the west and whose faithfulness has perpetuated the gospel down generational lines leading up to us and continuing beyond. 

An example in my own family of a great American heritage is John Hart. John Hart, my seventh great grandfather, was a representative at the third Continental Congress. Hailing from New Jersey, he was one of the fifty-five men who, in iron pen, ratified the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," and declared on behalf of the American people that, "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." He knew that including his signature on that document - officially declaring his support of treason - was likely tantamount to signing for his own death. Nevertheless, he believed in the principles upon which this great nation is based, and he was willing to give his all in support of those principles.

A little closer to home is my own first name, Stephen, which ties me to my grandfather, Stephen Burch. My grandfather inspires and lifts me through his ceaseless service of others, his dedication to his callings and responsibilities, in and outside of the church; and his honesty in his dealings with his fellow man. He is an example through his love of family, humor, and his dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel He taught. Carrying his name through my life reminds me of his character and accomplishments; helps me to remember from where I came, and gives me direction toward the person I want to become.

Nephi and Lehi
Circa 30 B.C., a righteous man named Helaman spoke with his sons, who he named Nephi and Lehi in memory of the men of the same name who crossed the great waters and arrived in the Promised land. To his sons, he said:

"Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first ​​​parents​ who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were ​​​good​.
Therefore, my sons, I would that ye should do that which is good, that it may be said of you, and also written, even as it has been said and written of them."

The names Nephi and Lehi were given by a loving father to help his children remember the goodness of the Lord to them and to their ancestors. The charge, then, is for Nephi and Lehi to also "do that which is good," and make a legacy for themselves of devotion to the Lord and love of His children. 

Christ's Name Upon Us
Now, you may or may not be like Nephi and Lehi, sons of Helaman, named after a great figure in history or a disciple of scriptural fame. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, however, we all have one name in common to which we look. 

This is explained by Nephi, the first prophet, leader, and namesake of the Nephite nation, as he details what it means to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The scripture reads: 

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall ​​​follow​ the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no ​​​hypocrisy​ and no deception before God, but with real ​​​intent​, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are ​​​willing​ to take upon you the ​​​name​ ​​of Christ, by ​​​baptism​"

I want to focus on the last part of that list, the mandate of "witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism." Take upon ourselves the name of Christ. What an example that is to follow! It is an example that carries with it blessings when we follow. Of course, in His typical fashion, God leaves this "principle with promise." Back to Nephi here:

"—yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the ​​​baptism of fire​ and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the ​​​tongue​ of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel."

A Blessed Responsibility
The chance to take Christ's name upon us, and therefore the chance to obtain those many blessings mentioned below, is a blessed responsibility placed upon us as disciples of Jesus Christ. Indeed, it is of utmost importance that we give honor and respect to the name of our Lord and Savior.

I'm sure you, like me, have had experiences in your life where you have been erroneously misquoted. Elder Burch, so-and-so told me that you said such-and-such a thing! Many a time, I have responded to such a statement with, "No, that isn't what I said at all! Where did you get that?" When we who hold Christ's name, who as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, do or say something rude, thoughtless, selfish, immoral, or in any way ungodly, we misrepresent Him whose name we hold and, in seriousness, break the third commandment of the Lord: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."

If we make covenants to be examples of Christ and walk in His ways, and then proceed to give no thought or care to actions that would be in direct contrast with His character and His will, we may be disappointed to hear the words of the Master saying, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." On the flip side, if we follow in the ways of Christ, turning outward in love and compassion for our fellow man, doing good to those around us, fulfilling our family responsibilities, and keeping the commandments of God, we can be sure to be greeted with the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

Mervyn B. Arnold of the Seventy has said, "Our Savior invites us on a daily basis to cleanse our names and return to His presence. His encouragement is full of love and tenderness. Envision with me the Savior’s embrace as I read His words: “Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?” In that glorious day when we stand before our beloved Savior to report what we have done with His name, may we be able to declare: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 

Be Ye Therefore Perfect
Brothers and Sisters, ours is the commission to strive to be perfect, even as Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven is perfect. We promised to do this when we were baptized, and renew that promise each week when we partake of the sacrament as a witness "that [we] are willing to take upon [us] the name of [the Son], and always remember Him." We are mortal, and we will fall short, but as we strive to live up to our commission, the Lord will bless us with love, guidance, mercy, and His everlasting, all encompassing grace. 

As the Lord declared to Moroni, "blessed is he that is found faithful unto my name at the last day, for he shall be lifted up to dwell in the kingdom prepared for him from the foundation of the world."

I know that Jesus Christ is the Living Son of the Living God, and that it is Him who we follow. I know that He has set the example for us all. That example was one of "faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, Godliness, charity, humility, and diligence." Through fiery trials, overwhelming difficulties, and the disdain and disapproval of the world, Christ showed nothing but His immutable love and boundless charity until the very moment that He was crucified on Golgotha, taking upon Himself our shortcomings, our sins, our weaknesses, our fears, our doubts, and our imperfections that we might repent, progress, and have eternal life. 

In following His example and taking His name upon us, may we "observe to keep the judgments, and the statutes, and the commandments of the Lord in all things," and be able to say at the last day, “I have honored Thy name.” In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, July 3, 2017

"Dancing in the limelight, the universal green..."

Greetings to all,

This week was cool! I have recently felt a little down because I feel
like Elder Ash and I work hard, but we never seem to get any
investigators or see much progress. When the rest of the district is
flourishing, putting up big numbers, and seeing a lot of success, my
own area is kind of depressing, especially since the district leader
area is supposed to be an example of sorts. But, we found one - count
it: one! - new investigator this week, and he came to church! We're so

His name is Wade, and he has had a lot of struggles, but has kept his
optimism present. We are probably meeting with him tomorrow, and we
will be sharing the third lesson: The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for
Wade! He's a cool dude.

We gave service at the bishop's storehouse, which was fun but also
hard. Lots of large things to move. Worth it.

If there is one thing I have felt this week, it is that the Lord
loveth His children. In the most recent general conference, President
Eyring shares an experience rom when he was a bishop, and a recent
member of his ward had crashed his car through the glass windows of a
bank. As the security guards approached, weapons drawn, this man cried
out, "Don't shoot! I'm a Mormon!" Eyring recounts the rest of the

"The inebriated driver was discovered to be a member of my ward,
baptized only recently. As I waited to speak to him in the bishop’s
office, I planned what I would say to make him feel remorseful for the
way he had broken his covenants and embarrassed the Church. But as I
sat looking at him, I heard a voice in my mind say, just as clearly as
if someone were speaking to me, “I’m going to let you see him as I see
him.” And then, for a brief moment, his whole appearance changed to
me. I saw not a dazed young man but a bright, noble son of God. I
suddenly felt the Lord’s love for him. That vision changed our
conversation. It also changed me."

Sometimes, people are jerks. They treat missionaries like we aren't
people, like we're wasting our time, like we are ignorant, or
brainwashed, or bigoted, or annoying, or any other manner of trash.
And, when I meet people like that, I sometimes play a line from Taylor
Swift's "Mean" in my head, trying to make myself feel better by
saying, "Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me, and all
you're ever gonna be is mean." But, I feel better when I stop, think
about them, sympathize with whatever may be going on in their life,
and remember that it isn't about me - it's about them, because they
are children of God, too. Children of God with infinite potential and
infinite worth. Christ died for them just as much as He died for me,
and God loves them without end.

Thank you for all that you do. Keep being awesome! Coming up on a year
now... Good times.

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π
So proud of this one

94 degrees Fahrenheit! That's crazy!



and... Missoula. "Act like a Missoulian!"
"So, you want me to act totally stoned?"

District Fun!