Monday, April 30, 2018

“It’s my own advice I need...”

After a long dearth of any kind of pictures from my end, I present to you the week of MLC. Photo ops, man. Photo ops. 

“Op” stands for opportunity, by the way. You know who you are. 

This week I was able to go on exchanges to my old stomping grounds, Greybull Wyoming. We got to visit some people that I had worked with previously, and I also treated myself to a conversation with Sister Tolman, as well as Brother and Sister Cheatham. I’m sure I’ll be back on exchanges there again, so it’ll be good. Turns out that Brother Cheatham found the thing I left for him long ago. It took him a while to find it after I left, but he did. (It was a dinosaur book that I got from the Basin library while doing service there many moons ago, and on the front was a T-Rex skeleton. I put a sticky note that said, “Look Brother Cheatham! It’s you!” and an arrow to the skeleton. Good times. It’s been a while.) So much changes, but it is good to know that the Cheathams are still the same Cheathams I knew and loved. I’ll be back post-mission. Brother Cheatham is intent on teaching me how to shoot. Also, Vector and Radian, their adorable Yorkies, are hopefully going to have puppies one of these days, and I’m going to adopt one. Because adorable. Also, I have been tossing around being a pilot? (That’s first news to a lot of people. And I’ll probably decide I want to do something else just as fast as I thought I might want to do this. *shrug* Happens.) So Brother Cheatham and I could go flying. That would be fun. Man. Good times.

After dinner, we headed to Billings to begin the monthly process of revelation and lack of sleep that is MLC. We didn’t get to Billings until 10:25 that night, slept in the mission home, woke up at 3, and went to Helena. Cool experiences there. There is a lot of power when a group is unified in faith and petitions the Lord for knowledge. We set a goal, and we discussed it. Honestly, I was a bit apprehensive about it at first. But, then we knelt down in humble prayer, having faith, and one of the missionaries acted as voice as we asked the Lord if the goal we had set was worthy and attainable. The confirmation of the Spirit was palpable, and I am sure that this is what the Lord wants for us and the mission. I felt like that kind of an experience would be cool for everyone in the mission to have, not just the leadership, so we have talked to all our district leaders and asked if they would have a similar prayer in their next district meeting to allow all the missionaries to experience the confirmation that this is the goal the Lord would like us to work towards. That way, (hopefully) all of the missionaries will be on board, and there is power in unity towards a goal.

“If Star Trek has taught me anything, it is that we can’t function on half engine power.” - Elder Burch π

I think I forgot to mention this a while back, but it is important enough to mention now: Billings has only one record store, and it is really super lame. 

I like Montana, and I like Wyoming, too. Funny throwback to the Elder Campbell days in Buffalo, Wyoming: 
Me: “We’re tracting!”
Elder Campbell: “In the wind!”
Me: “In the strong wind.”
Elder Campbell: “Wyoming has little else but sales tax!”

Yes, Montana doesn’t have sales tax. What you buy actually costs what it says. I mean, property tax is real, but still. Missionaries don’t care about property tax.

Member missionary work is fantastic. It is the most effective way to find solid new investigators. Invitations to learn more about the truth of the restored gospel means more from a friend than a random stranger who is dressed funny. And, I know the Lord will give you opportunities that you wouldn’t ever normally consider if you pray to Him in faith with a promise and commitment to act on promptings you receive to share the gospel. That is what a family in our area did this last month. About four weeks ago, we visited them and shared a message with them about missionary work, complete with some role plays with the kids on how to talk with their friends. Then, the mother asked, “Can we set a goal to have someone taught in our home by the next transfer?” And so, they set the goal, applying the things they know, and this last Sunday, we were able to teach two new investigators in this family’s home. The Work is true, and it blesses us all when we chose to be a part of it. 

Last thing: Transfer calls were yesterday. Elder Bly is being transferred to the Gillette 2nd Ward, being reassigned from zone leader to district leader / trainer, and he is stoked. He’s been a zone leader for more than 15 months, and is ready to be done with dealing with all the junk zone leaders often have to deal with. So, he takes off Tuesday night, and Wednesday evening I will be blessed to receive Elder Craig as my new companion. I know Elder Craig a little, and he is awesome! This will be his first transfer as a zone leader, so I hope to do a good job at not just being a good companion, but a good trainer in the ways of a zone leader. 

Elders! Pray for me!
Elders! ... Pray for me!

Alright, I will close this thing up. Thanks for reading.

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Stephen Burch π

“Living trapped inside the chase...”

The Worland District
(Greybull/Basin, Worland 1&2, Worland 3, and Thermopolis)
plus us, feat. heavy photo editing

The Worland District plus us

Sister Tolman and her adorable adopted child

MLC pictures

Farewell, Sister Hymas. 

Sami, Kaili, myself, Logan, and Elder Bly

Monday, April 16, 2018

“The whole truth, and nothing but the truth...”

We are spending the preparation day in Billings because we will be
having exchanges with the Assistants tomorrow. What this means is that
we get to shop at Costco. This will be my first and probably my last
Costco trip of my mission. Nice. Also, it is 72 degrees in Billings today. #blessed

Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

“So stop me if you’ve heard this one before / The whole truth is
nothing but a good excuse...”

Emailing on the mission home lawn. 

Volleyball and then ultimate frisbee.

Monday, April 9, 2018

"Late night drives all alone in my car..."

Just kidding, we can't be all alone in a car. We always have our companion. Ah, well.

I'm going to write a really short email because I had to do some ASU learning modules today so I can retake my math placement test. Man, I am just thrilled to come back to the real world. (I hope the sarcasm there was noted.) 

So, we got snowed in Cody on Monday night. We went to a Chinese buffet for dinner and spent the night with the other elders. We limped our way back to Powell the following morning. 

Wednesday was zone conference. It was really good to get revelation and see people that I hadn't seen in a long time. The drive was extremely long, though. We got up at 4am so that we could leave with the elders staying with us at 5:30, so we could arrive in Sheridan around 8:30, through the Greybull/Shell mountain pass because the Lovell one was closed with all the snow from the same snow storm that kept us in Cody. We got back from conference around 6:30pm, had dinner, and crashed. The day was shot. Ah, well. Worth it for the zone conference. 

Miracles are real! Member missionary work is the best thing ever! We had a member bring a friend to church, and we had a lesson with her after church, and we have a return appointment on Wednesday! So good. She's cool. We're cool. Most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is cool. So, it will be cool. 

The YSA is awesome at member missionary work as well and super fun. 

I... think that is all for now.

Rock and roll ~

Elder Burch π

"... I hope that all is well in heaven..."

Zone Conference, feat. The Wyoming West Zone

The morning mountain pass

A map

"Beagles love blueberries"
Fantastic Mr. Fox

An OG Book of Mormon

 Elder Bly and I on our way
back from the Zone Conference

Monday, April 2, 2018

“No sunlight, no sunlight...”

This week included a trip to Helena for MLC. Going to MLC from Powell is way worse than going to MLC from Great Falls or Missoula. A fun time, for sure, but far more stressful and time-consuming. Let me lay it out for you in steps.

Going To MLC in Wyoming West: A How-To Guide
1. Monday night, drive from Powell to Billings
2. Stay the night in the mission home with the Wyoming East Elders
3. Wake up at 3 to get ready to go
4. Depart the mission home in Wyoming East’s man-van (SaVANna) at 4:15
5. Stop in Bozeman to pick up those Zone Leaders
6. Arrive in Helena for MLC at 8:00
7. Enjoy MLC
8. Drive back to Bozeman to drop of those elders
9. Drive to Billings, arrive around 7:30
10. Get dinner in Billings (we went to Outback Steakhouse)
11. Sleep in the mission home again
12. Drive to Cody in the morning for district meeting
13. Drive back to Powell
14. Have a wrecked day because we’re dead tired

Good times. It actually was really good, though. MLC was great, and we really enjoyed the time with the other Elders.

Besides that, we have set some finding goals and have been striving to succeed. The recent weather (WHY IS THERE MORE SNOW) might hurt that a bit, but we will remain committed. 

Conference was awesome. Just, straight up. I loved it. Revelation is strong. Miracles await in the near future.

I feel that the next decade and beyond are going to be years marked with many miracles, much sacrifice, and a powerful surge of the furthering of the Work of the Lord. I feel that, through the inspiration of the Lord through our living prophets and apostles, the Lord will accelerate His Work as never before seen among the children of men as the world begins to draw nigh to the Second Coming of the Messiah. I feel that the coming years will provide opportunity for the saints to definitively declare “Who’s on the Lord’s side, who?” as the lines between the teachings of the world and the teachings of God are drawn more clearly than ever. Satan is a very real being bent on the misery and destruction of the souls of men, and as the battles of the last day intensify, we will face increasing trials and temptations that are ever more subtle and ensnaring. The evil one will seek to bind us with addiction, doubt, and complacency. While these things are intimidating, the blessing that will come from them is more opportunity to become the firm and steadfast disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ that we were created to be. As the heat intensifies, so does our refinement if we keep our hands firmly on the rod of iron and our gaze always towards the Mountain of the Lord. Grand opportunity is before us, more than ever before, and ours is the commission to lift up the hands which hang down and build the Lord’s kingdom in these last days. As President Nelson said, the grandest miracles of the Lord are to occur in the time between now and the Second Coming. I feel strongly to echo the admonition of Joshua: “Sanctify yourselves​: for tomorrow the ​​Lord​​ will do wonders among you.”

Thank you all for all you do. Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

“...It disappeared at the same speed, the idealistic things I believed...”


Watching General Conference

With Elder Bly