Monday, December 5, 2016

"I wanted to walk through the empty streets..."

Happy December to you all!

        This week, there was a big (ha, anything in Buffalo being 'big')
event. On Saturday, there was a parade, a community chili event, along
with various other things. In the morning, we volunteered at the
animal shelter's table at one of the events. After that, we helped
with the community chili thing, where all the local restaurants
provided a large amount of chili and the community could come eat for
free. Elder Ferrara helped serve the chili, and I monitored the tables
where chili was being served and made sure there was enough bowls,
spoons, napkins, and crackers at each. It kept us moving! Funny story,
though. We were asked to head to the Cantina across the street and get
their pot of chili for the event. We walked in, and a woman - who had
obviously been there a little too long - comes up to us, gets real
close to me, and says, "You boys are goooooorgeous! In a very holy
way, of course." She then proceeded to cross herself before showing us
where the chili was. The Word of Wisdom is important, friends!

        Today, we have our first meeting with a new family of investigators!
I am stoked! We've only met the dad thus far, but he is married and
they have two kids. He seems like a sweet guy, and we are super
excited to visit him and share with him the message of the
restoration. Wish us luck! Pray for us!

        The mission is a refining process, and I'm seeing that more and more.
It's about what God knows that I need, and not one whit about what I
want. Giving up our will or His is a hard step, but I'm working on it.

        I don't have too much to say today, but I have many pictures, so
we'll wait on those. Keep on keeping on, keep the faith, and look for
God's hand in your lives.

-Elder Burch π

        "... and feel something constant under my feet, but all the news
reports recommended that I stay indoors."

 "I want to see the floating lights!"

Fun at John's house with his reading spectacles.

Helping serve chili!

Cold-weather selfie.

Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree.

Santa came early!

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