Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"It just takes some time..."

Good morning, vast legions,

This will be a quicker email, because I am currently unaware of the location of my iPad, and I have limited time on this computer. Also, this means that the only pictures you'll be getting until I find my tablet will be this stupid selfie of me taken on my small, digital camera. If this thing has an SD port. Lovely.

This week! We did a few things, like go on exchanges with the YSA Elders. Elder Wells goes home on Friday! He was the assistant that welcomed me into the mission! How cool/weird/sad/happy is that? Also, I'm getting older. Gulp. 

We were tracting and got caught in the rain! We got soaked! Like, really soaked! It was lame, but also super worth it for the story!

We met some nice people. All of those nice people weren't interested. That is, until...

Tracting once again! We had picked a street that we were determined to hit in its entirety, so we did. While there, we met a six year old girl who challenged my faith.

Little girl: "What're you guys doing?"
Me: "Talking about Jesus!"
"He died, right?"
"Yes, but He lived!"
"... Liar. Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

The taunts were almost too much for my fragile little testimony, but I pressed onward in faith. We came across two women having a smoke on their front porch, and chatted with them for a little bit. They were quite nice, and were very receptive to the Easter video about Christ (https://www.mormon.org/). We asked if we could come back, and one of them said, "My aunt is LDS and will be here on Sunday - you can come back then!" Rad. More on that to come...

We just got a call from Walmart saying they found my iPad. Yesssssss. The Lord provides, guys. It's true. Also, nice people are nice. 

Joel and Wakati were baptized on Saturday! Getting the baptism to happen was a massive headache due to rescheduling and finding rides and way more than we should have had to deal with, but it worked out. It was out in Frenchtown, and it was marvelous. There were many of Joel's friends there, also from the DRC, and it was a neat thing to see the difference in culture. After the performance of the baptismal service, they gave some light claps and cheers of joy. It was awesome to see such excitement and joy over the gospel and the joy of Christ. The ward is so excited to have the Kambale family in the ward - so many people have told me that they just sparkle, and bring such a good spirit with them! Bishop Calkins is excited to welcome them in, and talked to us and said, "I think this is exactly what the ward needed. A little excitement over the Spirit of God and the gospel and missionary work." I'm stoked for teaching the wife through the language barrier, and I think many of his friends would also be interested. Pray for us...

That woman we mentioned who said we could come back? Well, we did come back! We had just missed her family, but she grabbed a smoke or three and joined us outside on the porch. We visited casually with her again, and then asked if we could share a message about the gospel. She accepted, and we were going to teach the Restoration, but she asked some questions, and we were ultimately impressed to share the Plan of Salvation instead. She said, and I quote, "I love this! You guys are awesome. This is what I believe, but better!" Yes, yes that is exactly what it is! She invited us back this evening to teach her again, and we left her with a Restoration pamphlet and an invitation to pray about the message. 

This whole week, I have been enthralled with the goodness of the Lord. He loves us, and He loves all of his children. When we are willing to do what we're supposed to do, He will provide. 

I've also been thinking about the relationship between virtue and power. The root word for virtue actually means strength. When we are virtuous, always abounding in good works and being filled with light, truth, knowledge, and goodwill, we are privy to the power of God. When Christ was on the earth, His miracles were performed through virtue. When we are virtuous, we are endowing ourselves with power from on high. I have more thoughts on this, but I don't know how to explain them, and I don't know if they're horribly important to eternal salvation. Ask me sometime, though! We'll have a conversation. 

Keep being awesome. Love you all. Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

"...Everything, everything will be alright."

"Depart from iniquity and journey to higher ground."
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Hood ornament

With Elder Wells

Snacking Selfie

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