Monday, January 2, 2017

"So, this is the New Year..."

Welcome to 2017, everyone!

This week had a few key events that were pretty sweet. Here we go.

So, first with Kieth. We had a lesson with him in Sister Blackburn's home. In the lesson, we laid footsteps on the floor, leading to a picture of Jesus Christ. We detailed the footsteps as the parts of the gospel of Jesus Christ: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Kieth took the floor as he stood up and placed his foot on the first step. "Kieth, do you have faith?" And so forth. We discussed repentance and the steps to that, and then we got to the third step. "Kieth, this is an important step, but you can't step there yet. That step is baptism. We know that you have great faith, and you've made great effort in your life to repent and come closer to God, and so we invite you to be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God. Will you prepare yourself to be baptized by the 14th of January?" Kieth accepted, and we started talking more about baptism. Kieth was struggling with the Word of Wisdom (not bad, just a coffee and a beer here or there), and we told him, "Kieth, following the Word of Wisdom is a requirement for baptism. And, per the standards of the mission, you need to be Word of Wisdom clean for a week before your interview (January 7th). That means that this goal that we've set of baptism for the 14th is attainable, but you have to be willing to commit today, right now. Kieth, will you give up coffee and alcohol today to prepare yourself to be baptized by our goal date?" Kieth was down for that. We put our hands together and gave a little cheer, and we reassured him that we are there to help him every step of the way in whatever way we can, not to condemn him if he messes up. We let him know that we know he can be ready by the 14th, but if he slips and we need to push it back, that it isn't the end of the world. We will keep working until we're golden. I'm so proud of and excited for Kieth and his desire to follow Jesus Christ! With faith, trust, and some divine help, I know that Kieth will be able to enter into the fold of our Father in no time, and he will be blessed in his life from having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Send some prayers this way for Kieth!

The other night, we had an experience that bewildered me as much as any time before. The results are positive, though, so stay tuned. A woman named Jill was dressing the hair of Brother Thomas (something I will never have because of my ethnicity: sweet hair). We showed up, and a conversation about religion ensued (I mean, how could it not?) She expressed some of her beliefs (non-denominational Christian, at this time). Along the line, she mentioned, "And, I'm sorry, but I do not believe in the Book of Mormon." 
That's fine; I wouldn't expect you to, considering that you're not a member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
"Why is that?" I inquired. 
She looked at me with a wry smile and said, "Because I believe that anyone can paraphrase the Bible." 
Oh no, not one of these people. "And that's what you believe the Book of Mormon to be? A paraphrase of the Bible?"
"Yes, and that's why I don't read it," she said confidently.
"Have you ever read it?" I asked, trying my best to not let my eye-roll enter into my voice.
"No, I've talked with missionaries before and told them that I respect their faith and what they do, but I will not read the Book of Mormon."
Here we go. "If you've never read the Book of Mormon, how do you know it is a paraphrase of the Bible?"
I usually do my best to not talk over others, but I continued at this point. "How can you claim to know what is in the book if you've never bothered to crack the pages? You have to try the Kit-Kat before you decide that you don't like the Kit-Kat."

Long story shorter, she accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and said she'd be down for Elder Ferrara and I to drop by and talk with her and her boyfriend. Score.

Cody is doing super well! He is on track to get the priesthood within the month, and he is doing so well at committing to follow the Word of Wisdom, even when his brother offers him a hit on a cigarette or something. I am super proud of Cody, and I am excited to see where he goes from here.

That's all I got for today, I think. Thank you all for your continued love, prayers, and support! Keep on rocking. 

Much love,

Elder Burch π

"And I don't feel any different..."

The Sheridan District

One of the best meals yet! Thank you, Divine family!

New Year's Eve

Snowing Selfie

Helping the Petersons move into their new house on the hill

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