Monday, January 30, 2017

"These things will change. Can you see it now?"

Welcome to transfer number three in Buffalo, Wyoming, and transfer
number one with Elder Malcom Campbell. Before you ask, yes, he falls
in the middle.

        The last few days with Elder Ferrara were good, though a little sad.
He was leaving his first area, a place where he'd been for a solid
four and a half months, so I don't blame him. He is now off to the
land of Thermopolis, home of the world's largest natural hot springs.
Too bad missionaries can't go swimming! I told him to just have a
baptism and do it in the springs. That'd work!

        Transfer days are always really weird. Elder Emms, Elder Christensen,
and I were in a trio in Sheridan for the day until the transfer van
showed up with Elder Campbell, my new companion, in tow. Elder
Campbell is an author and a world-builder, and his constant cynicism
is both entertaining and occasionally worthy of an eye-roll. Elder
Campbell and I have been doing quite well! We get along and all that,
and all that. We've been making too many references to Homestar
Runner, an internet site of our youth. "Yous was tryin to jank me!"
and "Yeah, *shaped* like there's a bite taken out of it!" have become
popular phrases in the apartment. It's been good.

        As far as investigators go, things are pretty much going as well as
they have been. Not many new developments to mention as of now, but
that will change! See, I've entered that stage of district leadering
where I have decided to talk with each companionship in the district,
have them set a goal or two for the transfer, and that I will attempt
to match their goal if at all possible. The idea being that this might
create more unity and be a good way to encourage all in the district,
as well as make it easier to keep each other accountable. So, the
Sheridan 3rd elders set the goal to give away an entire box worth of
copies of the Book of Mormon in the transfer, which translates into
about forty books. That is a difficult goal, I think, but I'm
committed if they are. So, here we go! The missionary work in the
Sheridan district is going to be the hottest in the entire mission!
Here's to a brand new vision!

        Spiritual thought: Israel can't seem to get it right. They're wicked,
are put into bondage, repent, and are delivered, and then it happens
again. In reading this, I get really frustrated with Israel and how
quick they are to forget, but then I think about us. We hear a general
conference talk that touches us deeply, but how long do we let the
ideas and teachings become part of our everyday lives? The talk on
refugees, Holland's talk on home teaching, or others - how quick are
we to forget these things? Let us not be like Israel, and let us
remember and observe the things we are taught.

        Keep rocking and rolling.

-Elder Burch π

        "... The walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down..."

Bette at the care center! We just finished a game of Scrabble and
she won, making the record 6-3 in favor of Elder Burch π.

Off in the distance...

Elder Campbell and I

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