Monday, May 15, 2017

"Roll down the windows, let the cold air come in..."

Denizens of the court,

This week was a big week full of many good things. Even in the tough times, it is pretty easy to look over the week and observe plenty of miracles poured out on us by the Lord. So, here we go.

To begin the week, we went on exchanges with the elders in Clinton/East Missoula. It brought many memories of serving in small town, USA. Good times. I went to Clinton with Elder Hendrix, who has previously served as my zone leader. It is odd to serve now as his district leader. I appreciate Elder Hendrix because he is always striving to improve, despite already being a phenomenal and effective missionary. He is dedicated to being obedient, and loves to live in the moment. Serving with him for the day was a good time. 

We were blessed to have interviews with President Wadsworth on Thursday. President is awesome. I'm sure what I say here stands for mission presidents the world over: They love you. They really do, and they desire nothing more than your growth, success, and happiness. 

We mowed the lawn of a recently widowed sister in the ward. It was a huge job. Pictures to follow.

People need to be better about returning texts and calls. We have some exciting prospects, but we can't meet because they will NEVER ANSWER. Okay, rage over.

Despite our frustration over some things, the district is actually having a lot of success. Clinton has an investigator praying about a baptismal date, and so do the 3rd Ward sisters. 2nd Ward has recently found some new investigators, and 1st Ward has an investigator whom I will be interviewing for baptism (hopefully!) on Friday. And, of course, there is Justine Kambale. We are so excited for her, and think that she will be totally ready for baptism on the 27th. 

Mother's Day! We were, of course, allowed to call home, and it was a grand experience. Sounds like all is well on the home front.

Do any of you readers, missionaries past or present, have any finding tips? I could use them. Let me know!

I've been reading in Isaiah, and a phrase that is found repeated therein is, "For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still." (Isaiah 5:259:12, 17, 21; 10:4. See also: 2 Nephi 15, 19, 20) In the footnotes of Isaiah 9:12, the phrase is clarified as "IE In spite of all, the lord is available if they will turn to Him." The Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance, and sometimes He does chasten us, but the blessed truth of the gospel is that He will always be there for us with a stretched out hand. When we lay aside our wickedness, carnality, and pride, and reach out to Him, He will support us in our afflictions and make us better than we could ever become on our own. I know that is true, because He's done it for me. Keep the faith. That is my testimony, and I give it in Christ's name. Amen.

Thank you all for the continued support and all. Keep being awesome. Rock and roll ~

-Elder Burch π

"Well, here's to living in the moment, 'cause it passed."

Smooth Criminal

No, I didn't throw up. The Clinton elders had a cucumber in their
apartment that was way old and gooey and gross. As I was taking said
cucumber, in a bag, to the trash, it slipped out of the bag and
splattered all over the floor and my shoes! Lame. So, here we are.

And then I broke their chair. (I fixed it! ("... I got better!))

The Adventures of Elder Hendrix and Elder Burch

Elder Ray's birthday pie

When you have service at 4pm and a lesson at 5pm

Look, it's me being swag!

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