Monday, May 1, 2017

"Sometimes I think this cycle never ends..."

Soldiers of all rank,

This week was a little hazier. I will relate some good stuff and some funny stuff and move on.

We put Justine, Joel's wife, on date for baptism! We're looking at May 20th, so hopefully that will go through. Teaching her goes alright, reading from the Swahili pamphlets and asking questions through Joel, who translates for us. On a totally unrelated note, she has the coolest dresses. I imagine that they are from Tanzania. Maybe. Anyway, they are different and look cool. 

We visited some other people. It was kind of worth. Oh! I know what I can talk about! (About what I can talk.) Elder Ray and I have started doing a thing where, for our journal, we have a quotation of the day and a proverb as well. (By the end of the transfer, we will have written Proverbs 32 and 33.) One of our proverbs involves one of the people that we work with. (With whom we work.) It reads, "If thou smoketh weed, yet read thine scriptures, it profiteth thee not." I'm slightly embarrassed that I shared that with you. Sorrynotsorry.

Oh! Funny story! So, Joel. Speaks English, but not too well, you know? Enough to have a conversation, but not enough to fill out a 1040. Anyway, we got a text from him which read: "can you come home now i received a letter from Missoula Federation credit union.come and translate for me.i am at home." Okay, sounds good. We headed over there, and he brings out this letter. We think it is going to be an account balance or something, but as we read the two pages it becomes quickly clear that it is a simple advertisement for car insurance through the bank. He was freaked out, because there was a section in the ad that says how you can save $552/yr compared to Allstate, or $398/yr compared to Geico! He thought it was a bill! It was funny, and we assured him that it was just an advertisement and he had no money due. He thanked us, and expressed how he was scared and how he called us because "It was from the bank. I had to show it to someone I trusted!" It was awesome.

My legs have rarely been more sore. So much walking. 

We have a mission tour on May 17th, which means an area seventy will be at our multi-zone conference in Helena. How cool is that?

My only spiritual thought today is that the Song of Solomon is garbage. Read the Book of Mormon. Let me know what your insights have been recently! 

Rock and roll! 

-Elder Burch π

"... We slide from top to bottom, then we turn and climb again."

Kambale Family!

I'm so heroic. This picture will likely be featured in an
upcoming Facebook post. Any puns based off scripture
or General Conference will 
be considered.

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